5 tips for choosing a good translation provider

Have you asked for several translation quotations and don’t know which one to choose?

Most language service providers charge for translations per word. However, behind the varying prices there might be different services that are more or less complete, better or worse.

Imagine the consequences that mediocre texts or mistakes could have on your brand image?

Luckily, these can be avoided, and today we’ll explain how.


5 aspects to consider when choosing a translation company

Make sure it works with native-speaking translators

Although it might seem hard to believe, some companies work with non native-speaking translators. This could lead to incorrect or stilted translations that do not flow and do not reach the reader.

Make sure they are professional translators

Being bilingual or a teacher of language X, or speaking another language very well (or a little) does not make you a translator. If you want to publish a text with no comprehension errors and that is correct, natural, easy to read and convincing, have it translated by professionals. The image and reputation of your brand are worthy of a professional job.

Ask if the price includes a revision process

By this I mean a minimum of two people involved in the language part of a project: translator and reviser. Why is this important? Because everyone knows that two pairs of eyes are better than one, and because, above all, we’re only human.

One company might offer a price of €0.10 per word for a language X, which includes translation and revision by two different people, while another offers €0.09 but for translation only (one person). In this case, it is much more profitable to choose the apparently more expensive option, as it includes the double process.

Ask whether it uses translation technology

Computer-assisted translation tools help translators (humans) maintain consistency, make use of the specific terminology of the sector, and use the translations in benefit of the client. They help improve the quality of the end text and enable you to save time and money.

Free-flowing communications

Lastly, communications must be free flowing, i.e. the individual or company should reply reasonably quickly, solve your queries, be willing to find solutions to any problems, and manage your projects efficiently.

Moreover, as with any relationship —professional or personal— the humane side is very important. Work with someone with whom you feel comfortable as a person, because it’s likely they will become the person you contact over a long-term relationship.


We prioritise these 5 aspects at Núria Masdeu Translations, and they form the basis of our service. We also offer transparent quotations and processes with no surprises.

Ask us for a quotation and see for yourself that these 5 points are covered.