The Translator’s Journal: find out what it’s about and whether it’s for you

the translator's journal
Journal para traductores

Long working days, translating at the weekend when you’d rather be spending time with your family, fear of saying no, muscle problems from spending so long in front of your computer…

As a translator and an entrepreneur, my volume of work and lack of organisation left me frustrated in a way that I didn’t know how to fix. I had neither the time nor the strength to make major changes and improve my life and my business.

I urgently needed to do something to look after myself and progress professionally, and that something had to be easy to implement and also fit in my busy schedule.

That’s how The Translator’s Journal started.

It’s a practical tool with a very simple routine that requires no major goals, simply consistency.

The secret lies in the small, everyday steps.

After seeing the results on my business, my health, my mindset, and my energy levels, I decided to take the plunge and turn these handwritten notes into the first draft of The Translator’s Journal. And why not make it available to other colleagues in the trade?

So, I’d like to invite you to read these lines about The Translator’s Journal, which will solve any doubts and help you decide whether or not it’s for you.

Mejora tus hábitos con el Diario del Traductor

The Translator’s Journal: a journal created especially by and for translators

Núria Masdeu, autora del Diario del traductor

This journal provides a simple yet effective routine.

The mere fact of taking a moment to think of your priorities for the day and writing them down —especially writing them down— is what makes the difference. As soon as I jot down my commitment in the journal each morning, an indescribable force drives me to fulfil my promise. It’s as if I didn’t want to let myself down.

And best of all is how great it is to end the day and feel so satisfied. Instead of going to bed thinking that I haven’t had enough time to do this or that, I’m grateful for my discipline and my minor progress.

For me, the best thing this journal has given me is the positive change in my relationship with myself and with my business. When you’re an entrepreneur, your mood, your health and your attitude are directly related to what you offer as a professional. Right now, I have the peace of mind of knowing that I do what I can each day and that I don’t give up. And that’s what matters, isn’t it?

My name is Núria Masdeu and I’m a professional translator who is aware of the real problems of the enterprising translator. In this journal I share the guidelines I use to take action and improve as a translator.

I would love it if this simple routine were to provide benefits for my colleagues in the trade.

This journal provides no answers or lessons. It’s simply a tool, a guideline to follow, which has helped me set up a routine and achieve results. But you’re responsible for creating these results. If you’re committed to spending 5 minutes a day and to taking small steps towards changing your life, then success is guaranteed.

What is The Translator’s Journal about?

It is in the format of a paperback book, but it isn’t a novel. This journal is a very simple tool to improve on a personal and professional level.

The journal is made up of monthly and daily worksheets that enable you to set monthly goals, take small steps towards meeting them, and review your achievements, strengths and weaknesses to continue improving.

It’s a journal designed to work on yourself each day. I’ve focused on 4 areas that I believe to be key to progressing as a translator: business, specialisation, health and limiting beliefs.

It’s designed to be used for six months, but what is important is focusing on the 5 minutes every day.

This journal is merely a method and a guide. It provides a structure and an organisation you can follow every day, but the commitment is down to you.

The Translator’s Journal is completely personalised, as each individual will complete it with the key areas, goals and steps considered relevant.

If you’re up to trying it, I hope you enjoy it.

Happy journalling!

Do you have more questions? Read these FAQs about The Translator’s Journal.

Will this practice take up much of my time?

5 minutes a day. The time it requires is nothing compared to the benefits you’ll see in several areas of your life.

Is The Translator’s Journal available in e-book format?

It’s only available on paper at present. I’ve designed it in this way because it requires making notes every day, and having a physical copy at hand seemed more practical. If you think the e-book version would be useful for you, drop me a line and I’ll bear it in mind.

In which languages is The Translator’s Journal available?

For now, it’s available in English and Spanish.

How much does The Translator’s Journal cost?

The set price for the Spanish version for Amazon Spain is 9.57 EUR. The set price for the English version for (global) is 10.95 USD. This said, the price varies slightly depending on the Amazon market where you purchase it (Amazon France, Amazon Germany, Amazon Italy, etc.).

Where can I get The Translator’s Journal?

You can get it on Amazon. Here are the links to The Translator’s Journal in Spanish and in English: