If you have a website, surely you want visitors. That is to say, you want your target audience to reach the website, read what you have to offer, get to know you, and be interested in your products and services.

And, although there are various ways of doing this, one of them is to implement a content strategy using blog copywriting.

But it can’t just be any blog. Your blog should share quality content and use SEO ranking factors so that it will be well-positioned on Google.

This means that your blog will become a route via which visitors enter your website. From there, they will be able to move through the rest of the pages to learn more about you or buy your products and services.

Let’s take a closer look at this type of strategy and the benefits that it can offer you.


The purpose of blog copywriting

Having a blog is one of the most widespread marketing strategies that exists. And, and as they say, content is king. But, why? What can a blog do for you?

  • Build trust. The valuable content that you share on the blog shows your target audience that you are committed to them. This helps you come across as more approachable and accessible.
  • Position yourself as an expert. If you are sharing content that is relevant and of high quality, your target audience will soon consider you an expert in the field. Because of this, they will also consider you the right professional to help them solve their problems.
  • Capture new potential clients. Because your audience now sees you as an expert, those who are in need of a professional in your field will want to work with you.
  • Increase your visibility. Content goes viral quickly. You can reach many people by sharing your content on social media networks, through email, messenger, etc.
  • Improve your positioning. Thanks to SEO, your blog’s content will appear in the top positions on Google. As a result, you will begin to attract quality visits to your website.

It could be argued that the above advantages all come from the same factor: the positioning. In order to achieve good positioning, a blog writer should employ SEO techniques so that Google will favour your content.


What is SEO?

When we talk about SEO, we are referring to your website’s positioning on Google. In other words, the position that your website occupies in the search engine ranking.

It functions in the following way: When a person performs a Google search related to your field, a list of results, including your website, will appear. Depending on your efforts, your website will either appear at the top of the list of results or somewhere further down.

The more work you do, the higher on the list your website will appear and the more likely it will be that users will click on it. However, if your website appears much further down the results, the likelihood that a person will visit it decreases.

It is important to remember that SEO is a process in which the return on investment appears in the medium and long term, so you must be consistent in order to obtain the desired results.

What a blog writer should consider in order to improve a post’s SEO

To get quality visits to your website through well positioned content, there are various elements that a blog writer should know and consider for each article.

When these elements are correctly and consistently optimised, results begin to materialise. These are the principle elements to consider:

  • Keywords. These are the keywords and phrases that you are going to use in your content. They should appear repeatedly and in strategic places such as titles and subtitles.
  • SEO Title. This is the title that appears in the results list on Google. It should be attractive so that a person will click on the title, and it should contain the keyword so that the article will be well positioned on the list of Google results.
  • Meta description. This is the description, consisting of a couple of lines, that appears below the SEO title in the results page on Google. It must also contain the keyword.
  • URL or slug. This should be short and include the keyword that is being used in the title and meta descriptions.

As I said, these are just some of the parameters to work on in blog copywriting. But there are others that are more complex that you should also take advantage of if you want your website to be well-positioned.

blog copywriting SEO

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Benefits of having a well-positioned blog

As we have been saying throughout the post, one of the great advantages of investing time and effort in blog copywriting is positioning. Good positioning ultimately translates into benefits for the business because

it is, in fact, a marketing strategy to get clients. Getting real results depends on the reliability and quality of your content. It is not sufficient to just appear first in the list of results, but you should also offer relevant information.

In a similar way, if you incorporate good SEO practices into your content writing, you will obtain another series of derived benefits such as the following.

No. 1. Receive quality traffic.

If you work correctly, the blog copywriting, its strategy, the study of keywords and all the parameters that we mentioned before, you will have a higher probability of attracting qualified traffic to your website. Quality traffic refers to users that are truly interested in what you have to offer.

In this way, you will be capturing the attention of potential clients that, while they may not become clients during the first visit, will keep you in mind for future occasions. They will most likely grow to trust you and buy your products or contract your services.

No. 2. Appear in searches for keywords of interest

A blog writer that has selected keywords of interest to the field will be able to use them in different content. This will help them to appear in the search results for various related terms that have a considerable amount of searches.

In this way, not only will you position yourself by a keyword, but also by all of the words that are considered relevant, or all that your target audience is using while searching the Internet.

No. 3. Rank higher on Google

The more work you do on the blog copywriting and the SEO of the same, the more positions you will go up in Google. To be in the first position for a certain search is complicated, but it is not impossible. While it is true that there is a lot of competition in this field, consistency is the differentiating factor with which you can gain an advantage.

No. 4. Be the reference in your sector

Appearing in the first position of results for the most common searches in your field has benefits. In doing so, you reinforce your brand image and the reputation of your website on the Internet.

You will become the reference blog that has the answers to all of the questions that your target audience has asked. This will be the case as long as you do not stop publishing valuable and relevant content.


Get visits with blog copywriting based on SEO

For any search that you perform on Google, you will see that thousands of results appear. The probability of clicking on one of these links is 1 in a thousand, or hundreds of thousands.

However, this probability increases when your website appears among the top results. Because, if we’re being honest, when we search for something on Google we always click on the results that are on the first page.

As you can see from this article, one of the strategies that works best to do improve positioning is blog copywriting based on SEO. Try it and you will see that in a couple of months you will begin to see all of the benefits listed above.

And if you are already doing it, continue doing it, because SEO is something that cannot be neglected if we want it to work.


Professional SEO content writers

As you have seen in this article, SEO-optimised content writing requires time. If you are looking for a professional writer that can help you to write and organise engaging and unique content, while keeping all of the necessary elements that determine your position in mind based on keywords, you are in the right place! Contact us and let’s talk about your project.

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